Saturday, July 12, 2008

Master Cleanse Day 1 Women Down Day 2 and 3

Woman Down
Day 1
Robyn dropped out the first day... I advised her to read the book, but she procrastinated. The book is a good tool to help inform the intention of this cleanse.

I made her drink the first dose of maple syrup, lemon and cayenne pepper too soon after the salt water too soon, she wound of vomiting the lemonade.

So, I left to the DMV to get my lost liscence renewed. When I come in the house I looked at Robyn, and new she had eaten.

She doesn't like lemons, and can't do, she decided this was not for her.

Day two

I drank 96 ounces of the liquid through out the day. I can handle being around food and other people eating, the urge to eat is there just for the taste, I gave away the Gouda cheese I had in the refrigerator. I don't really feel hungry . Each 8 ounces of the lemonade is 200 calories.

I missed the coaster by a few minutes coming back to LA, but made it back by Amtrak to catch the Twilight Dancer Concert at Santa Monica pier.

Day three

The mornings seem to be the most difficult. That is when the herbal laxative kicks in from the bedtime tea.

I went to yoga in the morning and was worried that the abdominal work would squeeze too hard and the laxative still in effect would produce a not so Zen experience. A lot of sweat, felt good, keeping hydrated. I got through it, using my forearms in all my postures that require my hands. I hurt my hands last night after my wheels of my skate board came off the board.

I feel a little euphoric at times. So, far, I recommended it...

I went and picked some more lemons around Venice, found some really juicy ones.

1 comment:

Robynzo said...

Now everyone knows that I threw up...thanks....

It should say 'Woman Down' and knew is not spelled n-e-w. Check up on your other mistakes...your former students and future employers can see this. All I had to do is type my name into google.