Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Master Cleanse Day 4, Day 5, Day 6...7

Day 4

Traveling to Downtown on the packed 33 metro through South Los Angeles I am witness to an exchange of an 40 year old black man and 18+ black girl. The bus was packed and they were yelling about being too loud and negative, throwing around many threats. It was useless argument of ego.

A black women with her three young kids chastised the two saying "my ten year old is scared wondering why niggers are acting so niggerish!!! That's right, I said niggerish. I moved my family from Rancho Cucamunga so they could be around black people...and this is what I get!?"

Eventually, the shit talking subsided, but the infighting, claiming to parts of the "hood" was just blatantly glaring to this white boy as senseless and destructive.

There were so many things wrong about the situation, false pride, ego, needless disrespect and a proliferation of disharmony within a community that faces many hardships. Life on the bus carried on while young women were talking about sexing each other up and grinding on each other literally right in front of the small kids.

It was a scene that I would escape at Venice and Grand...but, implications for the way things are seemingly so toxic to society were playing out through my head...reaffirming needs for a refocus, something like The Green Projects could provide some tools.

I tried to deflect some of the negative energy, with my bright green shirt...a good color for the detox.

Day 5

I danced to House music into Day 5 at Inspiration, at the Palmer. I came out with a stronger desire to improve my body control and movement.

I picked more lemons today. Down the street, a lemon tree on city property, the people with the store front offered their homemade lemon picker. Climbing the tree, and getting all scratched up from the thorny lemon tree while harvesting a lot of the lemons, they were appreciative. I took a sack that will last me through this cleanse, and the people at the store should have lemonade.

I then went to play beach volleyball with friends down the beach...seeing some friends.

Feeling really good about the cleanse.

Day 6

Mornings are definitely a little uncomfortable.

I drank my laxative tea, then got ready for an hatha yoga session with Vytas the calm one. Needless to say, if you know his style, but it was a really intense session, which was extra sweaty. More toxins out.

My love handles are reduced, although my love endures.

I have been working on The Green Projects proposal

Vision Statement:

To mobilize people in low income neighborhoods to become educated for highly skilled green jobs and facilitate a network necessary to retool their communities through green technologies. An ethic of green, socially responsible, non-violent creative emancipation will be cultivated through various educational (artistic, academic, and vocational) workshops.

I am writing it to put together my ideas in hopes of my network of people that are looking to affect change and a group of UCLA friends who want to start a charter school will direct there energy more efficiently to affect positive change.

Feeling pretty good.

Day 7 - morning

Had a friend quip that the cleanse is bullshit, after telling her I am only my 7th day.
The effects seem very real and physically apparent to me. My diet is mostly non-toxic, whole organic vegetarian food. Even so, I am still seeing a dark plaque like substance be eliminated from my body even after seven days of Lemon, Maple Syrup, Cayanne Pepper.

The comment came from one point of view, usually involving a high metabolic game of too much in too much out, that is stressful on the mind.

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